Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First Day of Class

Monday, January 6th

Today was the first day of class, so it consisted of the expected info dump and a run through of the syllabus. The professor explained the grading system and what is expected in order to receive adequate credit. Pretty much the boring stuff. If i had to describe my food tradition based on continents the primary sources would be Central America and Europe. A typical meal at home is various wild game with Spanish rice, homemade fried bread, wild game link sausage, with either sour kraut or various types of beans. This absolutely describes my my food tradition because it it is a mixture of my father's German heritage and my mother's Latino heritage. The strongest factor influencing my food tradition by far would have to be the desire to keep family recipes and traditions alive. If I had to label my food tradition it would without a doubt be called Farmer's Fuel with Cowboy Machismo. In approaching this course I feel that an open mind with a hint of adventure is absolutely necessary to learn and enjoy the experience whether good or bad. I expect to learn how to diversify my culinary skills as broaden my outlook on other cultures.

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