Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day Two: Initiation by Fire

Tuesday, January 7th

On this day we were tasked with creating our own sauce to accompany our Chinese hot pot selections. We had a wide variety of vegetables to choose from. I chose a lot of long skinny mushrooms that were almost like noodles as well as bigger thicker mushrooms that had the taste of new tennis shoes. In fact most of my hot pot consisted of mushrooms with a slice of a potato-like vegetables that when eaten raw gave the taste and left the texture of wet talcum powder. My attempt at making a suitable sauce was pathetic to say the least. My first attempt rendered  peanut buttery demon excrement, so I cleaned out the bowl and restarted. My second sauce i attempted to make sweet but ended up being extremely salty so i just made due. Also i never got to cook my food, all of these factors are what led to me having such an awful experience as far as eating went. But I loved the experimentation with new ingredients and new foods, most of which I have never seen nor heard of. Chinese Hot Pots are used the same way as fondues are in western culture but typically are more family oriented occasion. Pretty much any and all dishes can be applicable to a more family oriented function, after all the sharing of food is what brings people together.

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